Thursday, March 20, 2014

It is the Small Things that Count

What have you done today to take care of your health?

Becoming healthy is not solely based on going to gym everyday, it is about making consistently healthy choices in our daily lives.

Did you walk around Tanner Clinic and soak in some sunshine? Did you decide to skip that yummy sugar cookie? Are you drinking water instead of soda? These are all small things that you can do to improve your health over time. Here are some other ideas of small things you can do to become to a healthier you!
  • Choose healthier snacks at the pharmacy.
  • Avoid drinking your calories, stick to water.
  • Choose to take a walk around the clinic on your break. Find a friend to go with you!
  • Bring a lunch and snacks from home full of vegetables and lean protein.
  • Chew gum or brush your teeth after eating lunch to prevent snacking.
  • Replace the unhealthy snacks you keep at your desk with healthy snacks.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Pay attention to the portion sizes you are eating throughout the day.
  • Make an effort to stand and walk more throughout the day.
  • Take a walk 5 days per week after or before work for 30 minutes. If you walk 30 minutes, 5 days per week for an entire month you will have exercised 10 hours in a month!